For industrial refrigeration technology, choose Rozmaring-Szaló LTD!
Our company specializes in the implementation of complete cold stores, logistics centres, supermarket chains, refrigeration technology and refrigeration industry facilities in Hungary and abroad. We provide consultation, design and implementation, as well as related technical inspection and facility maintenance.
What we offer:
- Our colleagues have more than three decades of professional experience;
- High-quality, reliable technological background;
- Eco-conscious solutions; and last but not least,
- Strong partnership.
These days, it is common expectation in all areas of life to take care of our environment. This is why we apply solutions that have a lower impact on the environment and that use environmental energy more efficiently.
We have successfully demonstrated our expertise in more than one European country (e.g., in England and Germany) in implementing complete refrigeration technologies for logistics centres and in the renovation of such systems.
The foundation of our expertise has been the implementation of our projects in various cities of Hungary, including Budapest, Debrecen, Szigetszentmiklós, Baja, Diósgyőr and Szerencs.
Our colleagues are, without exception, qualified and highly skilled experts, many of whom have been members of our team from the beginning in 1987. Our company has been awarded ISO and other professional qualifications.
Implementation from start to finish
Our primary task is the implementation of cold stores, refrigeration technology and refrigeration industry facilities operating with ammonia, carbon dioxide, and glycol. We conduct the process from consultation through planning to implementation, and even to follow-up.
We provide:
- high and low temperature refrigeration for logistics centres;
- equipment installation for supermarkets and shops with small aggregate refrigerators;
- implementing ice rinks;
- installing mechanical technology systems;
- laser alignment of concentricity for compressor and engine shafts;
- implementing constructional engineering and pipeline joints;
- installing heating and water supply systems and industrial air conditioners;
- official supervision of pressure vessels and safety exhaust systems; and
- tunnel freezer construction.
Maintenance and servicing
We offer operation, maintenance, and servicing of existing industrial refrigeration systems, either on a permanent or a case-by-case basis.
We also provide reviewing and repairs for existing systems, as well as their modernization and upgrading.
Moreover, we – in most cases – also provide manufacturing services for various maintenance, modernization and upgrading jobs (e.g., polyurethane insulation units, pipe coverings, PUR industrial insulation, aggregates, automated air vent systems and oil feedback systems). To ensure brief performance dates, we use pre-manufactured units and pre-insulated pipes.
Construction of commercial facilities, service rooms, and cold stores (commercial refrigeration)
We provide implementation of complete refrigeration systems for supermarkets. We have acquired experience in this field, among others, at Tesco supermarkets in Hungary.
Technical supervision services
Our company holds a technical supervisory license accredited by the former public administration authority: Müe-G/I-05-2587/2011.
We have been conducting on-site supervision for implementation and maintenance of refrigeration systems since 2010 in more than 15 countries throughout Europe, from Portugal to Bulgaria, from Scotland to Cyprus.
Accordingly, we offer technical supervision services for implementations.
We act as resellers in marketing the products of our partners.
We are happy to assist in preparing damage control plans for hazardous operations. We also offer to conduct regular leak inspections prescribed by law for refrigeration systems using freon.

England – Wednesbury, 2016
Complete refrigeration technology implementation for a logistics centre

England – Newton Aycliffe, 2016
Complete refrigeration technology renovation for a logistics centre

Outdoor ice rink at City Park, Budapest, 2015
Reconstruction of the refrigeration system

Fevita Hungary, Székesfehérvár, 2015
Expansion of the refrigeration system
Some of our colleagues have more than three decades of experience in refrigeration technology as well as in working with us. We have been working together with these colleagues since 1987, at that time at the ‘Rozmaring’ Farming Cooperative which was also involved in refrigeration.
In 1991, we founded Rozmaring Cool LTD, and since 1995 we have been working together within the private limited company ROZMARING-SZALÓ COOLING AND AIR CONDITIONING LTD., which we constantly expand.
This means that our in-house team of experts, in key positions at our Company, is practically an unchanging group since the beginning. Besides these colleagues, we only work with qualified welders, pipe fitters, repairmen, electricians, insulation experts, and industrial and commercial refrigeration engineers.
Milestones in the life of our company
2003 We began implementing fully automated ammonia refrigeration systems at the logistics centres of Tesco and CBA supermarkets
2007 We began implementing carbon dioxide refrigeration systems by installing refrigeration at the logistics centre in Szigetszentmiklós
2009 We began our commercial refrigeration activities at Tesco stores of various sizes (e.g., supermarket, express)
2010 New low in Hungary (Plaza Stop) → We opened up to international market
2011Starting in this year, we have implemented various projects in Germany and the United Kingdom (a project lasts 5 to 6 months on average)
Our company has been awarded the following qualifications
ISO 9001:2008
MSZ EN ISO 3834-2:2006
Moreover, with our license granted by the National Climate Protection Authority, our company is entitled to purchase and sell refrigerant gas and equipment pursuant to Government Decree 14/2005.
Our company holds a license from the Hungarian Commercial Licensing Authority for manufacturing welded structures (as specified by Ministerial Decree 3/1998. (I. 12.) IKIM for fusion welding by certified welding technologies in manufacturing, installing, remaking and repairing welded structures for pressure equipment and systems, transportable pressure equipment, industrial pipes, and container tanks for flammable liquids and melts).
Place of business:
H-1037 Budapest, Kunigunda útja 41/b.
H-3533 Miskolc, Lorántffy Zsuzsanna utca 30.
Service hotline: +36-30-332-3137
Rozmaring-Szaló Kft!

15 June 2017
Client satisfaction is our primary concern and we are always happy to receive positive feedback for our efforts. We take this opportunity to thank you for your input!

20 March 2017
A month after accomplishing all required temperatures and three weeks after the launch of the facility, we finished on-site implementation in Wednesbury, England.